Help & FAQ
Do you have questions about your four-legged friend, our products & performance or us?
Here you find the most frequently asked questions and answers, you can also contact us directly at or in our contact form
What is meant by “protein”?
The term "protein" encompasses all
animal and vegetable proteins.
Proteins are present in every
cells in the body of dogs and cats and play an important role in all
vital processes. They are made up of different elements, called
amino acids. These are the building blocks for muscle development,
but also enzymes. What is always decisive is that the right ones
amino acids are present in the right quantity.
When calculating our formulas, we check
not only the quantity, but also the composition of the proteins used
in order to guarantee optimal nutrition for the animal. The higher the composition in
amino acids in food proteins exactly match the needs of the
dog or cat, the better the dietary proteins are assimilated. However,
The more dietary protein is assimilated, the higher the protein content
necessary is low.
Excessive intake of protein or amino acids
causes a burden on the metabolism, liver and kidneys. That is why
A contribution adapted to needs is decisive and not the principle of "the more the better"
"The more the better."
What is meant by “fat content”?
The term fat content covers the
animal and vegetable fats and oils. Fats provide our
pets and our living room companions the energy needed to
every adventure.
Some of the building blocks of fat, called
essential fatty acids, have important functions in the development of
skin and hair. They also perform different functions in the
cellular metabolism and support the body's natural defenses.
Omega-6 fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids are particularly
important in this context. These essential fatty acids are very fragile,
This is why we take particular care to protect them during the
manufacturing of our food.
What is meant by “raw ash”?
If we heated dog food at
several hundred degrees, all organic components would be burned.
All other non-combustible substances would remain in the form of
The term raw ash encompasses all of these
inorganic substances, i.e. minerals and trace elements,
contained in the food.
Nutritionally, minerals are divided into
quantitative elements such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium,
sodium, potassium and chlorine, and trace elements such as iron,
copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt, selenium and iodine, etc.
Minerals have many functions, such as the development of the skeleton in
through nerve and muscle functions, water balance and
blood formation. Minerals are involved in all important functions
of the body.
What is meant by “cereals”?
We use whole grains that
come mainly from southern Germany.
The products used are: corn, wheat,
barley. Rice comes mainly from growing regions in southern Europe
(northern Italy). In addition, some products still contain flours
of cereals (e.g. wheat flour for bakery from the south of
The composition of our food is generally
openly declared, so that one only has to take a look at
the packaging to find out what grains are contained in the food.
What do we mean by “yeasts”?
This is dehydrated brewer's yeast with
precaution and coming from German breweries.
In addition, we use in our complex
immune a mixture of pure manan-oligo-saccharides and beta-glucans. These
Two particular components of yeast can effectively support the
your pet's immune system.
The composition of our food is generally
openly declared, so that one only has to take a look at
the packaging to see if yeast has been added or not.
What do we mean by “vegetables”?
We use carrots in our food,
dehydrated peas, leeks and spinach, among others.
The composition of our food is generally
openly declared, so that one only has to take a look at
the packaging to know which vegetables are contained in each food.
What is meant by “eggs and egg products”?
We use whole egg powder
carefully dehydrated (from Germany and France).
The composition of our recipes is always declared
openly, so that a glance at the packaging is enough to know
if eggs are used.
What is meant by “plant by-products”?
This category includes media for
dietary fibers which play an important role in optimal digestion
(more information under the term "crude fibers"). The pulp of
dehydrated beetroot, wheat semolina bran, corn gluten, seeds
flax, as well as some special fibres (e.g. fructo-oligosaccharides,
inulin) are among the plant by-products.
The composition of our food is always declared
openly, so that a simple glance at the packaging lets you know
what raw materials are used.
What is meant by “oils and fats”?
This includes animal and vegetable fats, such as shortening
poultry, lard or sunflower oil.
What is meant by “fish and fish by-products”?
We only use fishmeal
high quality, carefully dehydrated, from deep-sea fish
(due to their high omega fatty acid content) and, of course,
fresh fish like salmon or trout.
The composition of our food is always declared
openly, so that a simple glance at the packaging lets you know
what raw materials are used.
What is meant by “mollusks and crustaceans”?
The group of mollusks and crustaceans
includes for example green-lipped mussel extract (from the green-lipped mussel)
New Zealand green ears), particularly valuable. But also the
suppliers of valuable omega fatty acids such as krill meal.
Are animal meal (known as “carcass meal”) used in the manufacture of the products?
No. Since the BSE crisis in 2001, it has been strictly prohibited
to use animal meal or other products from factories
rendering for animal feed. This also applies to
pet food. Since 2002, only products from
of animals fit for human consumption, i.e. animals examined
by a veterinarian and intended and authorized for slaughter for consumption
human, can be used for manufacturing. This law is valid in
the whole EU.
What meat products do we use?
This includes many meat products
fresh different ones like ostrich, chicken, lamb or goat.
We also use products based on
of dehydrated meat from all commonly used animal species
consumed in Germany: poultry, lamb, beef (partly) and pork.
The raw materials come from
exclusively from animals suitable for human consumption, which have been
authorized and slaughtered for human consumption. We therefore do not deal with
products from rendering plants (carcass meal or waste
slaughtered unfit for consumption, such as horns, claws and
We process fresh meat directly in our
company, either refrigerated or frozen. Dehydrated meat meal
are carefully heated and dehydrated in the companies of
production, in accordance with strict German and European requirements. We
We also process organic meat and meat bearing the label
of the Tierwohl Initiative (animal welfare label).
Is soy used in the manufacturing of the products?
No, we do not use soy protein.
nor soybean oils.
Soy protein is certainly very cheap,
but they contain a number of hard-to-digest carbohydrates, which can lead to loose stools and bloating. Additionally,
The majority of soybean crops worldwide are now grown using genetically modified seeds.
What are antioxidants and why are they added?
Dog and cat foods contain
certain fats, essential fatty acids and vitamins. When
storage, these food components are exposed to oxygen in the air, which
degrades them over time. Heat and light reinforce this effect
oxidant. If a dog or cat food does not contain enough fatty acids
essential, this can lead to serious health problems such as
growth disorders, rough and dry coat, thickening of the
skin, hair loss and increased susceptibility of the skin to infections.
If vitamins are also destroyed, typical deficiency symptoms occur.
vitamins can also appear. If the fat becomes rancid,
harmful degradation products are formed.
As their name suggests, antioxidants
oppose this process and the oxidation of nutrients is delayed
Antioxidants therefore constitute a group of
important and absolutely necessary active substances, especially when it
This is to ensure a longer shelf life of vitamins and
essential fatty acids.
What are the permitted antioxidants?
Currently, various antioxidants are permitted by animal feed legislation.
The most common are BHA (E 320), BHT (E 321), propyl gallate (E 310), tocopherol extracts from vegetable oils (E 306) and various synthetic tocopherols.
We use a combination of tocopherol extracts from vegetable oils and propyl gallate. To obtain
marketing authorisation under the feed legislation, all authorised antioxidants had to be examined from every angle, not only in terms of their mode of action, but also
as to their possible harmful effects. Depending on the product, antioxidants must be overdosed up to 100 times before harmful effects can occur in animals. The legislator has therefore built in a huge safety margin here in order to protect animals from harmful side effects.
Contrary to the often expressed view that antioxidants
would promote the development of cancers, the exact opposite effect has actually been observed for many antioxidants. Propyl gallate, for example, has clearly shown inhibitory properties against the development of tumors caused by certain tumor triggers (e.g.
We stabilize sensitive fats used exclusively with a combination of natural tocopherols and gallate
propyl. The main stabilization is provided by extracts of natural origin with a high content of tocopherols, obtained from vegetable fats. The protective effect of these natural tocopherols is considerably enhanced by a further minimal addition (in trace amounts) of tocopherol gallate.
propyl, a compound of the gallate group, also very widespread in nature. Compared to "purely chemical" antioxidants (such as
ethoxyquin, BHA, BHT), this antioxidant is therefore easily broken down and recycled by the metabolism due to its organic structure. Tocopherols and propyl gallate are not only permitted for our animals, but also for certain foods. The natural tocopherols present in tocopherol-containing extracts belong to the same group of substances as vitamin E, but have a significantly less vitamin effect than vitamin E itself (vitamin E acetate), which in turn has a significantly less antioxidant effect in food (on fats and vitamins). Conversely, vitamin E acts on the metabolism of animals, where other antioxidant tocopherols have virtually no effect.
In summary, antioxidants are very important additives that guarantee the quality and health of animals. They have been scientifically tested and are safe and harmless when the permitted doses are respected. The negative effects of destroyed vitamins and essential fatty acids are in any case much more harmful to the health and well-being of dogs and cats.
Are synthetic and artificial colors added during the manufacturing of the products?
No. The colour differences in the products are due to the different colouring of the raw materials, vitamins and trace elements contained. Therefore, the colour differences are not very noticeable compared to animal feed enriched with synthetic colours.
Moreover, artificial colours must be mentioned on the packaging.
Food & health
What food is best for my pet?
Every animal is unique. We wish
provide your pet with food that is perfectly adapted to its needs
and his preferences.
Do not hesitate to contact us so that we
may we help you!
All this is of course free.
How can I get nutritional advice?
Our nutrition experts are at your disposal
available by email to advise you in the choice of food
appropriate and to answer any other questions regarding the feeding of
your four-legged friend.
Please feel free to contact us and we
We will find together the food that suits your pet!
Does my pet need to vary its diet?
In principle, your dog or cat does not need to vary its
feeding. They tolerate the same food for years. However, it is essential that it is a complete food, containing all the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals and composed of quality raw materials.
How to make a power supply change?
A change in diet always involves
a strain on your pet's gastrointestinal system, whether it
whether it is a transition from a junior food to an adult food or a change
variety within our assortment. In order to avoid digestive problems,
you should avoid any abrupt changes.
When changing your power supply
pet, it is advisable to plan a period of at least 4 to 7
days during which you will gradually change the type of food. At first, a small portion of the current food is replaced with the new one. The portion of the new food is increased each day until it is given exclusively.
If the animal is sensitive, special attention should be paid to the feed change phase. Especially if the gastrointestinal system is sensitive, the transition should be made
slowly to avoid stress and further irritation of the digestive system.
Should I feed my pet wet food or dry food?
In principle, both types of food can be used as food.
complete. This means that the daily portion indicated (see the
feeding recommendations) contains all the essential nutrients your pet needs. Only water should be provided as a supplement.
Is a mixed diet of wet and dry food wise?
Wet foods allow for better
absorption of liquids and dry foods promotes the elimination of
dental plaque. A mixed diet is a balanced mix for your
For animals with a low appetite, but also for sick or older animals with a reduced appetite, it has proven useful to combine dry food with a small amount of wet food, which is often better accepted than dry food alone.
If you want to spoil your pet with wet food, you should take this into account in the total daily ration.
Is it useful to soak dry food before giving it to animals?
In principle, all our foods can be offered dry, provided that fresh water is made available in
sufficient quantity.
Soaking or using semi-moist food is especially recommended for puppies, dogs with
dental problems and older dogs that can no longer chew well. Generally, a soaking time of 10 to 15 minutes is sufficient.
What is a semi-moist food?
Semi-moist dry foods are a
special taste experience for your pet. Semi-moist kibble has a more pronounced odor due to its slightly higher moisture content (approx. 18%) and can convince
the most demanding pets.
As semi-moist kibbles do not swell in
the dog's stomach, they are also perfectly suitable for sensitive pets.
How much food does my pet need?
The amount of food needed depends on
different factors. Besides the age, size and weight of your pet, it is mainly the type of food that matters. Pet foods have very different specific weights and volumes depending on their composition and the manufacturing process used. The
Dried foods, for example, lose much of their moisture over time.
of the manufacturing process, giving them a very low volume with high nutritional density and meals that appear very small in comparison.
With our feeding recommendations, you can see at a glance how much food your pet needs.
domestic needs. You will find them either on the back of our packaging or on our website, next to the products concerned.
The quantities of food indicated in the feeding tables are indicative values which must be exceeded or not in certain cases, depending on the breeding conditions and the predispositions of your animal.
Touch your pet's ribs with your fingertips from time to time. If you feel that there is still a thin palpable layer between the skin and the ribs, this means that
your pet's constitution is correct.
If you feel like your pet's skin is resting almost directly on the ribs and he looks very thin and bony, you definitely need to adjust the amount of food.
How to correctly read the dietary recommendations for junior foods?
An optimal supply of all essential nutrients is particularly important for young animals.
pet food, as this is the only way to allow them to develop optimally. For young dogs, excessive intake is often more
problematic than an insufficient supply. Many pet parents, for example, forget to factor in treats and rewards in the ration
daily food.
To prevent overweight from a young age, our dietary recommendations are always geared towards the expected final weight of the adult dog. This is often easy for purebred dogs. But the
Expected final weight can also be calculated for crossbred dogs or
dogs from animal protection abroad. There are different growth curves for this. The veterinarian can often give a good
estimate very easily.
How often should my dog or cat be fed?
For adult dogs, it is sufficient to feed them once a day, as a dog's stomach has a very large capacity for absorbing food.
For sensitive dogs, those prone to digestive disorders, or for dogs that are more active, the daily amount of food should be spread over two or three meals.
After eating, your dog should be able to rest for two to three hours in order to digest the food optimally.
For active dogs, the last
Feeding should, if possible, take place at least six hours before the mission, in order to ensure optimal performance. The first meal after a
intervention should take place 2 to 3 hours later.
Your cat's daily ration should be divided into at least three portions that you offer to your feline throughout the day.
throughout the day. However, many cats distribute their own
food, so that food can be made available in
permanence. For overweight felines, food should be
offered in several meals.
How many treats can I give my pet?
Treats should always be considered as a supplement to daily food, because even
Healthy snacks are not a substitute for a balanced diet in the long term. Your four-legged friend absorbs all important nutrients, such as proteins, fats, but also vitamins and trace elements, through its main food. The main meal should always be adapted to the age, breed and activity of the animal.
If you also want to spoil him with snacks, it is appropriate to include them in the total daily ration. We
We recommend not giving more than 10% of the daily ration in the form of treats and rewards. This indicative value allows you to
ensure that your pet receives all essential nutrients through the main diet and that additional rewards do not cause excessive weight gain.
The type and quantity of treats should always
be adapted to the size, weight or age, but also to the activity of your favorite animal.
How should I store food to keep it fresh for as long as possible?
Food should always be stored in a cool, dry place. Heat, light, air and moisture can cause it to spoil. This applies to dry foods as well.
and snacks in pouches as well as for wet foods in cans.
Dried foods have a longer shelf life due to their lower water content. After opening, you should
It is imperative to carefully close the bag of dry food, which is worth
also for dog snacks. Our large packages are equipped with
with a very practical ZIP closure. You can also transfer food
dry in an opaque container or close them with a clamp.
Semi-moist foods should always be stored in a tightly sealed bag or container, so that
to prevent the kibble from drying out too much and losing its aroma.
Opened wet food should be consumed within
as quickly as possible, as they do not keep very long after opening the can. We recommend storing moist foods
started in the refrigerator with a freshness lid and consume them within two days. You must take the can out of the refrigerator before and feed
your pet only when the food has reached the temperature
Can I feed pet food after the expiration date?
Proper storage increases the likelihood that dry foods will not spoil immediately after the expiration date.
If in doubt, we advise against using
our food after the expiration date. After the expiration date, some nutritional additives may no longer be
present in sufficient quantity in food.
The expiration date of our food refers to the closed product.
Is African swine fever dangerous for my dog or cat?
African swine fever is a viral disease that affects domestic pigs and wild boars. Our domestic animals
cannot, however, be infected with this disease. It is a zoonosis. The disease is therefore not transmissible from animals to humans. Pork and wild boar meat marketed in Germany is free of ASF and can be consumed safely. This is ensured by a ban on movement from risk areas and by strict controls at
slaughter. Pigs or wild boars infected with ASF cannot be slaughtered, but must be killed and then incinerated under the supervision of
authorities. Only meat from healthy animals and checked by veterinarians may be sold or processed as food or animal feed. The ASF virus can also be reliably inactivated by temperatures above 72 °C. The temperatures of our
manufacturing processes therefore guarantee safe destruction of the agents
Therefore, it should be remembered that the ASF virus
is not infectious to dogs and cats and that there are strict controls at slaughter. Only healthy animals are slaughtered and authorised by
the veterinarian for human consumption are used in our products. The
manufacturing process ensures safe destruction of germs.
How do I remove a tick from my pet?
If you discover a tick in your four-legged friend's fur, it is important to stay calm and follow these steps:
- Stretch the fur to the side to see the tick clearly.
- Place the tick tweezers or tick hook as close to your pet's skin as possible and completely surround the tick with
the tool. - Carefully remove the parasite from the skin, without crushing it.
- Wash your hands, disinfect the tick bite and the tool, remove the tick and render it harmless (e.g. with alcohol).
It is important to carefully observe your four-legged friend after tick infestation.
If eating behavior changes, if other
changes in behavior or redness appear, you should
consult a veterinarian.
Practical information
How do I validate a voucher?
Add the products of your choice to the cart.
Click on the cart to access the
order summary.
Enter your voucher code in the
“Validate a voucher” field.
Click on “Validate” and the
value / percentage will be deducted from the value of your merchandise.
Please consider:
- If you receive an error message stating that the voucher code
does not exist, check if you have entered all the numbers and letters of the
code. Please also enter all hyphens. To avoid
typing errors, you can also copy/paste the code. - If the cart value is less than the voucher value, the remaining unused value is forfeited.
- It is not possible to subsequently use vouchers or discount vouchers for orders already placed.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions!
Practical information
We offer you the following secure payment methods.
Payment (current) by
- Paypal
- Visa
- MasterCard
- Apple Pay
- Google Pay
We send our invoices exclusively to the email address indicated in the order.
Do we offer free shipping?
From 50 € of purchase, we offer free delivery in France for standard orders. The final delivery costs depend on your basket, the chosen delivery option and your delivery address. In all cases, you will know if delivery costs are charged in the summary of your order before
to send it.
Our packages contain a maximum of 31 kg of goods. Orders weighing more are sent in two or more packages (depending on the weight).
What are the current delivery areas?
Currently, we only deliver to France.
Which shipping service providers do we work with?
We currently work with 2 shipping service providers:
We will choose the one that best suits your delivery.
Partnership and collaboration with Top-Tiernahrung
Our long-standing partner Top-Tiernahrung, headquartered in Germany, supports and manages shipping for us in
France line. Many thanks for that!
Top-Tiernahrung coordinates
Top-animal regeneration
Susanne Ehe
Bruckstrasse 25
89616 Rottenacker